Tuesday, June 30, 2020


Solarcan is a pinhole camera in a can. You set it up pointing in the general direction of South
and leave there for up to six months. During this time, each day the light from the Sun passes
through the pinhole and traces its path across the sky on the sensitive film inside the can. At
 the end of the desired time you open the can and remove the film which will have a trace of
 the sun for each day it was in place.

For full information and images visit  https://solarcan.co.uk/

The resultant image from Solarcan in 2020

The image recorded of the Sun for six months, from the Summer Solstice (June} to Winter Solstice (December)

Tuesday, June 02, 2020

London in Lockdown 

London during the Coronavirus Covid-19 pandemic April 2020

I wanted to document iconic spots in London during the Coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak, but due to Government COVID-19 restrictions, I was unable to take the photos I wanted. My friend who was permitted to travel due to her work, took photographs that I could  work with. These images I rendered to replicate photographs of the early days of photography.The film emulsion then, was so insensitive that people and other moving objects did not record. 

              Realisation: Douglas Adams               Photography: Sunita Lal 

Trafalgar Square

The Scoop, London South Bank

Oxford Circus

Regent Street

Westminster Bridge

 London Bridge Railway Station

London Bridge Tube Station

London Overground Train

A Red London Bus

The Office