Sunday, February 19, 2012

And then it snowed!

Thursday 9th of February
I looked out of my window before I went to bed, and everywhere was white!

Tuesday, February 07, 2012

I am never far from the City.

This picture was taken from a viewpoint within a mile of my home.
My camera with a 500mm lens was on a tripod at the top of the old
disused Uxbridge ski slope. In the foreground can be seen RAF Northolt
and the city of London with the buildings of Canary Wharf at a distance
of 19 miles. The Gerkin, Tower 42, BT Tower and the new Heron Tower 
can be seen. Look for Wren's St. Pauls visible just to the right of centre.

On your Bike!

This is a great way to get around this fascinating city of ours.
These are affectionately know as Boris Bikes.